Friday, December 14, 2012

India 2

India 2

India 1

India 1

Word presentation

Microsoft Word is a text processor. This program is very useful for redacting documents because with this program you can do tables, automatic index, pictures, hyperlink, etc. Word allows compound different formats and styles letters and this program reduces the time working in a document.

GeoGebra presentation

GeoGebra is a mathematik platform very useful for physical and mathemathik problems beacause this program works with algebra, geometry and calculation. This program is used by students of high school and university that study physics.

Sketchup presentation

Sketchup is a 3D modelling program that is very useful to design houses and buildings. In this program you can create walls, columns and windows and put different textures creating an outline that you can modificate if you need it.

Thursday, November 29, 2012